# NAME RF::Functions - Perl Exporter for Radio Frequency (RF) Functions # SYNOPSIS use RF::Functions qw{db_ratio ratio_db}; my $db = db_ratio(2); #~3dB # DESCRIPTION RF::Functions is a lib for common RF function. I plan to add additional functions as I need them. # FUNCTIONS ## db\_ratio, ratio2db Returns dB given a numerical power ratio. my $db = db_ratio(2); #+3dB my $db = db_ratio(1/2); #-3dB ## ratio\_db, db2ratio Returns power ratio given dB. my $power_ratio = ratio_db(3); #2 ## dbi\_dbd, dbd2dbi Returns dBi given dBd. Converts the given antenna gain in dBd to dBi. my $eirp = dbi_dbd($erp); ## dbd\_dbi, dbi2dbd Returns dBd given dBi. Converts the given antenna gain in dBi to dBd. my $erp = dbd_dbi($eirp); ## dipole\_gain Returns the gain of a reference half-wave dipole in dBi. my $dipole_gain = dipole_gain(); #always 2.15 dBi ## fsl\_hz\_m, fsl\_mhz\_km, fsl\_ghz\_km, fsl\_mhz\_mi Return power loss in dB given frequency and distance in the specified units of measure my $free_space_loss = fsl_mhz_km($mhz, $km); #returns dB # SEE ALSO ["log10" in POSIX](https://metacpan.org/pod/POSIX#log10), ["nearest" in Math::Round](https://metacpan.org/pod/Math::Round#nearest) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel#Power\_quantities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decibel#Power_quantities) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-space\_path\_loss#Free-space\_path\_loss\_in\_decibels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-space_path_loss#Free-space_path_loss_in_decibels) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipole\_antenna#Dipole\_as\_a\_reference\_standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipole_antenna#Dipole_as_a_reference_standard) # AUTHOR Michael R. Davis, MRDVT # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE MIT LICENSE Copyright (C) 2023 by Michael R. Davis