# NAME Business::Tax::Withholding::JP - auto calculation for Japanese tax and withholding Business::Tax::Withholding::JP は日本の消費税と源泉徴収自動計算します。 # SYNOPSIS use Business::Tax::Withholding::JP; my $tax = Business::Tax::Withholding::JP->new( price => 10000 ); $tax->net(); # 10000 $tax->tax(); # 800 $tax->full(); # 10800 $tax->withholding(); # 1021 $tax->total(); # 9779 # or you or You can set the date in period of special tax being expired $tax = Business::Tax::Withholding::JP->new( date => '2038-01-01' ); $tax->price(10000); $tax->withholding(); # 1000 $tax->total(); # 9800 # DESCRIPTION Business::Tax::Withholding::JP is useful calculator for long term in Japanese Business. You can get correctly taxes and withholdings from price in your context without worrying about the special tax for reconstructing from the Earthquake. the consumption tax **rate is 8%** Business::Tax::Withholding::JP は日本のビジネスで長期的に使えるモジュールです。 特別復興所得税の期限を心配することなく、請求価格から正しく税金額と源泉徴収額を計算できます。 **消費税率は8%** です。 ## Constructor ### new( price => _Int_, date => _Date_ ); You can omit these paramators. パラメータは指定しなくて構いません。 - price price of your products will be set. defaults 0. 税抜価格を指定してください。指定しなければ0です。 - date You can set payday. the net of withholding depends on this. default is today. 支払日を指定してください。源泉徴収額が変動することがあります。指定しなければ今日として計算します。 ## Methods and subroutine - price You can reset the price. price に値を代入可能です。 - date You can reset the payday like 'YYYY-MM-DD' date にも値を代入可能です。フォーマットは'YYYY-MM-DD'(-区切り)です。 - net You can get the net of your pay. it's equal to the price. So it's the alias of price(). net は price と同じ働きをします。 - tax You can get the net of your tax. 税額のみを取得したい場合はこちらを - full You can get the net of your pay including tax. 税込金額を知りたい場合はこちらを - withholding You can get the net of your withholding from your pay. 源泉徴収額を知りたい場合はこちらを - total You can get the total of your pay including tax without withholding 源泉徴収額を差し引いた税込支払額を知りたい場合はこちらをお使いください。 # LICENSE Copyright (C) worthmine. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR worthmine <worthmine@cpan.org>