XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder - easy and lazy way to create XML documents for

      use XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder;

          package XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder;
          $d = DOM (E A => {at1 => "val1", at2 => "val2"},
                    ((E B => {}, ((E "C"),
                                  (E D => {}, "Content of D"))),
                     (E E => {}, ((E F => {}, "Content of F"),
                                  (E "G")))));

    This module significantly abridges the overhead of working with
    XML::LibXML by enabling developers to write concise, nested structures
    that evaluate into XML::LibXML objects.

        my $doc = DOM (E $name => \%attr, @children), $var, $enc;

        # With defaults, this is shorthand for:

        my $doc = E($name => \%attr,

    Generates a "XML::LibXML::Document" object. The first argument is a
    "CODE" reference created by "E". $var represents the version in the XML
    declaration, and $enc is the character encoding, which default to 1.0
    and "utf-8", respectively.

        my $sub = E tagname => \%attr, @children;

        my $doc = DOM $sub;

    This function returns a "CODE" reference which itself evaluates to an
    XML::LibXML::Element object. The function returned from "E" expects an
    XML::LibXML::Document object as its only argument, which is conveniently
    provided by "DOM".

   Using "E" with an existing XML document
    "E" can also be used to compose the subtree of an existing XML element.
    Instead of supplying a name as the first argument of "E", supply an
    XML::LibXML::Element object. Note, however, that any attributes present
    in that object will be overwritten by "\%attr", and the supplied element
    *must* be bound to a document, or the function will croak. This is to
    ensure that the subtree is connected to the element's document and not
    some other document.

    As such, any XML::LibXML::Document object passed into the function
    returned by "E" will be ignored in favour of the document connected to
    the supplied element. This also means that "E($elem => \%attr,
    @children)->($ignored_dom);" can be called in void context, because it
    will just return $elem.

        # parse an existing XML document
        my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => 'my.xml');

        # find an element of interest
        my ($existing) = $doc->findnodes('//some-element[1]');

        # prepare the subtree
        my $sub = E $existing => \%attr, @children;

        # this will overwrite the attributes of $existing and append
        # @children to it; normally the document is passed as an argument
        # but in this case it would be derived from $existing.


        # we also don't care about the output of this function, since it
        # will have modified $doc, which we already have access to.

    Note as well that members of @children can be XML::LibXML::Node objects.

    Qualified element names and namespace declaration attributes will behave
    largely as expected. This means that:

        E 'foo:bar' => { 'xmlns:foo' => 'urn:x-foo:' }; # ...

    ...will properly induct the generated element into the "foo" namespace.
    E attempts to infer the namespace mapping from the document, so child
    elements with qualified names will inherit the mapping from their

        CAVEAT: When "E" is executed in the context of an *element name*
        rather than with an existing XML::LibXML::Element, the namespace
        mappings are scanned from the context of the document root, in
        document order. This means that the last namespace declaration that
        appears in the existing document (depth-first) will occupy the given
        prefix. When an existing element is passed into "E", the namespace
        search begins there and ascends to the root. If you have any
        concerns about collisions of namespace declarations, use that form

        my $sub = P target => { key => 'value' }, @othertext;

    This function returns a "CODE" reference which returns a processing
    instruction. If you pass in a HASH reference as the first argument, it
    will be turned into key-value pairs using double-quotes on the values.
    This means you have to take care of your own escaping of any double
    quotes that may be in the values. The rest of the arguments are
    concatenated into a string (intended to behave like "print" in perlfunc,
    which means if you want spaces between them, you likewise need to add
    them yourself).

        my $sub = C @text;

    This function creates a "CODE" reference which returns a comment. Again,
    @text is simply concatenated, so if you wish to do any additional
    formatting, do so before passing it in.

        my $sub = D @text;

    This function creates a "CODE" reference which returns a CDATA section.
    Works identically to "C".

        my $sub = F @children;

    This function creates a "CODE" reference which returns a document
    fragment. Since "DOM" can only accept a single node-generating function,
    it is particularly useful for the following idiom:

        my $doc = DOM F(
            (P 'xml-stylesheet' => { type => 'text/xsl', href => '/foo.xsl' }),
            (E mydoc => {}, @children));

    Which produces:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/foo.xsl"?>

        my $sub = DTD $name => $public, $system;

    This function creates a "CODE" reference which returns a DTD
    declaration. Both $public and $system can be "undef".

    None by default.

    Exports "E", "P", "C", "D", "F" and "DOM".

    If you nest your code in braces and use a "package" declaration like so,
    you can avoid polluting the calling package's namespace:

      my $d;
          package XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder;
          $d = DOM (E A => {at1 => "val1", at2 => "val2"},
                    ((E B => {}, ((E "C"),
                                  (E D => {}, "Content of D"))),
                     (E E => {}, ((E F => {}, "Content of F"),
                                  (E "G")))));

    Then, "$d->toString" will generate XML like this:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <A at1="val1" at2="val2"><B><C/><D>Content of D</D></B><E><F>Content of F</F><G/></E></A>


    The Python module lxml.etree <>

    Toru Hisai <>

    Namespace and non-element support by Dorian Taylor

    Copyright (C) 2008, 2012 by Toru Hisai

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.