# NAME Pod::Query - Query pod documents # SYNOPSIS Query POD information from a file % perl -MPod::Query -E 'say for Pod::Query->new("ojo")->find("head1[0]")' NAME ojo - Fun one-liners with Mojo % perl -MPod::Query -E 'say Pod::Query->new("ojo")->find("head1[0]/Para[0]")' ojo - Fun one-liners with Mojo % perl -MPod::Query -E 'say Pod::Query->new(shift)->find("head1[0]/Para[0]")' my.pod Find Methods: find_title; find_method; find_method_summary; find_events; find($query_sting); find(@query_structs); # DESCRIPTION This module takes a class name, extracts the POD and provides methods to query specific information. # SUBROUTINES/METHODS ## \_has Generates class accessor methods (like Mojo::Base::attr) ## path Path to the pod class file ## lol List of lists (LOL) structure of the pod file. Result of Pod::LOL. ## tree An hierarchy is added to the lol to create a tree like structure of the pod file. ## class\_is\_path Flag to indicate if the class is really a path to the file. ## new Create a new object. Return value is cached (based on the class of the pod file). use Pod::Query; my $pod = Pod::Query->new('Pod::LOL', PATH_ONLY=0); PATH\_ONLY can be used to determine the path to the pod document without having to do much unnecessary work. ## \_class\_to\_path Given a class name, returns the path to the pod file. Return value is cached (based on the class of the pod file). If the class is not found in INC, it will be checked whether the input is an existing file path. Returns an empty string if there are any errors. ## \_mock\_root For debugging and/or testing. Builds a sample object (overwrite this in a test file). ## \_flatten\_for\_tags Removes for tags from the lol and flattens out the inner tags to be on the same level as the for tag was. ## \_lol\_to\_tree Generates a tree from a Pod::LOL object. The structure of the tree is based on the N (level) in "=headN". This example pod: =head1 FUNCTIONS =Para Description of Functions =head2 Function1 =Para Description of Function1 =head1 AUTHOR =cut This will be grouped as: =head1 FUNCTIONS =Para Description of Functions =head2 Function1 =Para Description of Function1 =head1 AUTHOR In summary: - Non "head" tags are always grouped "below". - HeadN tags with a higher N with also be grouped below. - HeadN tags with the same or lower N will be grouped higher. ## \_define\_heads\_regex\_table Generates the regexes for head elements inside and outside the current head. ## \_make\_leaf Creates a new node (aka leaf). ## \_structure\_over Restructures the text for an "over-text" element to be under it. Also, "item-text" will be the first element of each group. ## find\_title Extracts the title information. ## find\_method Extracts the complete method information. ## find\_method\_summary Extracts the method summary. ## \_clean\_method\_name Returns a method name without any possible parenthesis. ## find\_events Extracts a list of events with a description. Returns a list of key value pairs. ## find Generic extraction command. Note: This function is Scalar/List context sensitive! $query->find($condition) Where condtion is a string as described in ["\_query\_string\_to\_struct"](#_query_string_to_struct) $query->find(@conditions) Where each condition can contain: { tag => "TAG_NAME", # Find all matching tags. text => "TEXT_NAME", # Find all matching texts. keep => 1, # Capture the text. keep_all => 1, # Capture entire section. nth => 0, # Use only the nth match. nth_in_group => 0, # Use only the nth matching group. } Return contents of entire head section: find ( {tag => "head", text => "a", keep_all => 1}, ) Results: [ " my \$app = a('/hel...", {text => "Create a route with ...", wrap => 1}, " \$ perl -Mojo -E ...", ] ## \_query\_string\_to\_struct Convert a pod query string into a structure based on these rules: 1. Split string by '/'. Each piece is a separate list of conditions. 2. Remove an optional '*' or '**' from the last condition. Keep is set if we have '*'. Keep all is set if we have '**'. 3. Remove an optional [N] from the last condition. (Where N is a decimal). Set nth base on 'N'. Set nth_in_group if previous word is surrounded by (): (WORD)[N] 4. Double and single quotes are removed from the ends (if matching). 5. Split each list of conditions by "=". First word is the tag. Second word is the text (if any). If either starts with a tilde, then the word: - is treated like a pattern. - is case Insensitive. Precedence: If quoted and ~, left wins: ~"head1" => qr/"head"/, "~head1" => qr/head/, ## \_check\_conditions Check if queries are valid. ## \_set\_condition\_defaults Assigns default query options. ## \_find Lower level find command. ## \_invert Previous elements are inside of the child (due to the way the tree is created). This method walks through each child and puts the parent in its place. ## \_render Transforms a tree of found nodes in a simple list or a string depending on context. Pod::Text formatter is used for `Para` tags when `keep_all` is set. ## get\_term\_width Determines, caches and returns the terminal width. ### Error: Unable to get Terminal Size If terminal width cannot be detected, 80 will be assumed. # SEE ALSO [App::Pod](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3APod) [Pod::LOL](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod%3A%3ALOL) [Pod::Text](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod%3A%3AText) # AUTHOR Tim Potapov, `` # BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to [https://github.com/poti1/pod-query/issues](https://github.com/poti1/pod-query/issues). # CAVEAT Nothing to report. # SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Pod::Query You can also look for information at: [https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Query](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Query) [https://github.com/poti1/pod-query](https://github.com/poti1/pod-query) # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TBD # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Tim Potapov. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)