package Business::OnlinePayment::VirtualNet3; # Vital certification (search for certification) # - 0-29 Address Verification Data # keep from downgrading when you use a street number w/ zip use strict; use Carp; use File::CounterFile; use Date::Format; use Business::OnlinePayment; use Business::CreditCard; use Net::SSLeay qw( make_form post_https ); use String::Parity qw(setEvenParity isEvenParity); use String::LRC; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $DEBUG); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter Business::OnlinePayment); @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(); $VERSION = '0.02'; $DEBUG ||= 0; use vars qw( $STX $ETX $FS $GS $ETB ); $STX = pack("C", 0x02 ); $ETX = pack("C", 0x03 ); $FS = pack("C", 0x1c ); $GS = pack("C", 0x1d ); $ETB = pack("C", 0x17 ); #$EOT = pack("C", 0x04 ); my $industry_code = 'D'; # Direct Marketing #my $industry_code = 'F'; # Restaurant #my $industry_code = 'R'; # Retail sub set_defaults { my $self = shift; # $self->server(''); # Production # $self->port('5003'); # Production # $self->server(''); # Development Testing # $self->port('5004'); # Development Testing # $self->server(''); # Official Certification # $self->port('5004'); # Official Certification $self->path(''); # $self->server(''); # product Amex re-route $self->path('/transaction.vital'); # Certification/Production $self->server(''); # Production URL 1.0 SSL # $self->server(''); # BACKUP Production URL 1.0 SSL $self->port('443'); $self->path('/scripts/gateway.dll?transact'); #$self->server(''); # Testing URL 1.0 SSL #$self->port('443'); $self->build_subs(qw( authorization_source_code returned_ACI transaction_sequence_num transaction_identifier validation_code local_transaction_date local_transaction_time AVS_result_code reference)); } sub revmap_fields { my($self,%map) = @_; my %content = $self->content(); foreach(keys %map) { $content{$_} = ref($map{$_}) ? ${ $map{$_} } : $content{$map{$_}}; } $self->content(%content); } sub get_fields { my($self,@fields) = @_; my %content = $self->content(); my %new = (); foreach( grep defined $content{$_}, @fields) { $new{$_} = $content{$_}; } return %new; } sub submit { my($self) = @_; my %content = $self->content; my $action = lc($content{'action'}); #? what's supported if ( $self->transaction_type() =~ /^(cc|visa|mastercard|american express|discover)$/i ) { $self->required_fields(qw/type action amount card_number expiration/); } else { croak("VirtualNet can't handle transaction type: ". $self->transaction_type()); } #my %content = $self->content; if ( $DEBUG ) { warn " \n"; warn "content:$_ => $content{$_}\n" foreach keys %content; } my( $message, $mimetype ); if ( $action eq 'authorization only' ) { $message = $self->eis1080_request( \%content ); $mimetype = 'x-Visa-II/x-auth'; } elsif ( $action eq 'post authorization' ) { $message = $self->eis1081_request( \%content ); $mimetype = 'x-Visa-II/x-settle'; } elsif ( $action eq 'normal authorization' ) { croak 'Normal Authorization not supported'; } elsif ( $action eq 'credit' ) { $message = $self->eis1081_request( \%content ); $mimetype = 'x-Visa-II/x-settle'; } if ( $DEBUG ) { warn "post_data:$message\n"; } my $server = $self->server(); my $port = $self->port(); my $path = $self->path(); my($page,$response,%headers) = post_https($server,$port,$path,'',$message, $mimetype ); #warn "Response: $page"; if ( $page eq '' ) { die "protocol unsucessful: empty response, status $response\n"; } if ( $page =~ /^(\d+)\s+\-\s+(\S.*)$/ ) { die "VirtualNet protocol error: $page"; } warn "protocol sucessful, decoding VisaNet-II response\n" if $DEBUG; &isEvenParity($page) or die "VisaNet-II response not even parity"; $page =~ s/(.)/pack('C', unpack('C',$1) & 0x7f)/ge; #drop parity bits my %response; if ( $action eq 'authorization only' ) { %response = $self->eis1080_response( $page ); } elsif ( $action eq 'post authorization' ) { %response = $self->eis1081_response( $page ); #} elsif ( $action eq 'normal authorization' ) { # croak 'Normal Authorization not supported'; } elsif ( $action eq 'credit' ) { %response = $self->eis1081_response( $page ); } for my $field ( qw( is_success result_code error_message authorization authorization_source_code returned_ACI transaction_identifier validation_code transaction_sequence_num local_transaction_date local_transaction_time AVS_result_code reference) ) { $self->$field($response{$field}); } } sub testhost { my $self = shift; my $content = 'D4.999995'; #my $content = 'D2.999995'; #my $content = 'D0.999995'; my $message = $STX. $content. $ETX. lrc($content.$ETX) ; $message = setEvenParity $message; if ( $DEBUG ) { warn "post_data: $message\n"; warn "post_data hex dump: ". join(" ", unpack("H*", $message) ). "\n"; } my $server = $self->server(); my $port = $self->port(); my $path = $self->path(); my($page,$response,%headers) = post_https($server,$port,$path,'',$message, 'x-Visa-II/x-auth'); #warn "Response: $page"; if ( $page =~ /^(\d+)\s+\-\s+(\S.*)$/ ) { die "VirtualNet protocol error: $page"; #$self->is_success(0); #$self->result_code($1); #$self->error_message($2); #$self->error_message($page); } else { warn "protocol sucessful, not decoding VisaNet-II response" if $DEBUG; $self->is_success(1); } } sub eis1080_request { my( $self, $param ) = @_; # card_number expiration address zip amount #D-Format Authorization Request Message (Non-Set Electronic Commerce) $param->{expiration} =~ /^(\d{1,2})\D+(\d{2})?(\d{2})$/ or croak "unparsable expiration ". $param->{expiration}; my ($month, $year) = ( $1, $3 ); $month = "0$month" if length($month) < 2; my $exp= "$month$year"; my $amount = $param->{amount}; $amount =~ s/\.//; my $zip = substr( $self->zip. " ", 0, 9 ); my $seq_file = $self->seq_file; my $counter = File::CounterFile->new($seq_file, '0001') or die "can't create sequence file $seq_file: $!"; $counter->lock(); my $seq = substr('0000'.$counter->inc, -4); $seq = substr('0000'.$counter->inc, -4) if $seq eq '0000'; $counter->unlock(); # Byte Length Field: Content my $content = 'D4.'; # 1 1 Record format: D # 2 1 Application Type: # 0=single, 2=multi,4=Interleaved # 3 1 Message Delimiter: . $content .= $self->bin; # 4-9 6 Acquirer BIN $content .= $self->merchant_id; # 10-21 12 Merchant Number $content .= $self->store; # 22-25 4 Store Number $content .= $self->terminal; # 26-29 4 Terminal Number $content .= 'Q'; # 30 1 Device Code: # Q="Third party software developer" #$content .= 'C'; # 30 1 Device Code: C="P.C." #$content .= 'M'; # 30 1 Device Code: M="Main Frame" if ($self->group3_version_num eq 'R') { $industry_code = 'R'; } $content .= $industry_code; # 31 1 Industry Code $content .= '840'; # 32-34 3 Currency Code: 840=U.S. Dollars $content .= '840'; # 35-37 3 Country Code: 840=United States $content .= $zip; # 38-46 9 (Merchant) City Code(Zip); $content .= '00'; # 47-48 2 Language Indicator: 00=English $content .= $self->timezone; # 49-51 3 Time Zone Differential: # 705=EST,706=CST,707=MST,708=PST $content .= $self->mcc; # 52-55 4 Merchant Category Code: 5999 $content .= 'Y'; # 56 1 Requested ACI (Authorization # Characteristics Indicator): # Y=Device is CPS capable $content .= $seq; # 57-60 4 Tran Sequence Number # (direct mktg) if ($self->group3_version_num ne 'R') { $content .= '56'; # 61-62 2 Auth Transaction Code: } else { $content .= '54'; } # 56=Card Not Present # 54=Purchase if ($self->group3_version_num ne 'R') { $content .= 'N'; # 63 1 Cardholder ID Code: N=AVS } else { if ($self->swipe_data ne '') { $content .= '@'; } else { $content .= 'M'; } } # M - w/ address for retail if manual (no swipe) # (Address Verification Data or # CPS/Card Not Present or # Electronic Commerce) # @ for signature (retail) if (($self->group3_version_num eq 'R')&&($self->swipe_data ne '')) { $content .= 'H'; } else { $content .= 'X'; } # 64 1 Account Data Source: # @=No Cardreader # 'H' track1 # 'D' track2 die "content-length should be 64!".length($content) unless length($content) == 64; # - 5-76 Customer Data Field: Acct#ExpDate if (($self->group3_version_num eq 'R')&&($self->swipe_data ne '')) # add swipe data { # % front # line ? # line end my $swipe_track = $self->swipe_data; $swipe_track =~ s/^%//; $swipe_track =~ s/\r//g; $swipe_track =~ s/\?.*$//g; $content .= uc($swipe_track); } else { $content .= $param->{card_number}. $FS. $exp. $FS; } # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $FS; if (($self->group3_version_num eq 'R')&&($self->swipe_data eq '')) # leave out address for swipe { # - 0-29 Address Verification Data #$content .= substr($self->{cust_city}, 0, 4)." ". substr($self->{cust_zip}, 0, 5); #$content .= '8320 85284'; # hard-coded street address for Vital Certification #$content .= '85284'; # comment line above and uncomment line below to go to production $content .= substr($self->{cust_zip}, 0, 5); } $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $amount; # - 1-12 Transaction Amount $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator # - 25 Merchant Name $content .= substr($self->merchant_name.(' 'x25),0,25); # - 13 Merchant City $content .= substr($self->merchant_city.(' 'x13),0,13); # - 2 Merchant State $content .= substr($self->merchant_state.('X'x2),0,2); $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator #----- ### RETAIL - begin area not needed # retail swipe, just base # retail manual address, cvv # group 14 if (($self->group3_version_num ne 'R')&&($self->swipe_data eq '')) { $content .= '014'; # - 3 Group III Version Number: #014=MOTO/Electronic Commerce $content .= $self->group3_version_num; # - 1 MOTO/Electronic Com. Ind: 7= Non-Authenticated # Security transaction, such as a channel-encrypted # transaction (e.g., ssl, DES or RSA) # only different DM / E-comm $content .= $GS; # Group Separator $content .= '007'; # - 3 Group III Version Number:group 3 v 7 (CVV2) if ($param->{card_number} =~ m/^3\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/) { $content .= '11'.$param->{cvv}; } # amex cvv else { $content .= '11 '.$param->{cvv}; } $content .= $GS; # Group Separator } ## RETAIL - end area not needed # unless manually entered Retail else { if ($self->swipe_data eq '') { $content .= '007'; # - 3 Group III Version Number:group 3 v 7 (CVV2) if ($param->{card_number} =~ m/^3\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/) { $content .= '11'.$param->{cvv}; } # amex cvv else { $content .= '11 '.$param->{cvv}; } $content .= $GS; # Group Separator } } ## Developer and Version always required $content .= '020'; # - 3 Group III Version Number: #014=MOTO/Electronic Commerce $content .= '001131B002'; # developer id/version $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator $content .= $FS; # - 1 Field Separator my $message = $STX. $content. $ETX. lrc($content.$ETX) ; $message = setEvenParity $message; $message; } sub eis1080_response { my( $self, $response) = @_; my %response; $response =~ /^$STX(.{41})(.*)$ETX(.)$/; my $remainder = $2; $remainder =~ /(.*) +(.*)$/; $remainder = $1; #$response =~ /^$STX(.{67})([\w ]{0,15})$FS([\w ]{0,4})$FS.*$ETX(.)$/ $response =~ /^$STX(.{67})([\w ]{0,15})$FS([\w ]{0,4})$FS(\d{3}).*$ETX(.)$/ or die "\nAuthorization response: $remainder\n". join(' ', map { sprintf("%x", unpack('C',$_)) } split('', $response) ); ( $response{transaction_identifier}, $response{validation_code}, my $group3version, my $lrc ) = ($2, $3, $4, $5); # die "group iii version $group3version ne 014" # unless $group3version eq '014'; warn "$response\n". join(' ', map { sprintf("%x", unpack('C',$_)) } split('', $response) ). "\n" if $DEBUG; ( $response{record_format}, $response{application_type}, $response{message_delimiter}, $response{returned_ACI}, $response{store_number}, $response{terminal_number}, $response{authorization_source_code}, $response{transaction_sequence_num}, $response{response_code}, $response{approval_code}, $response{local_transaction_date}, $response{local_transaction_time}, $response{auth_response_text}, $response{AVS_result_code}, $response{retrieval_reference_num}, $response{market_specific_data_id}, ) = unpack "AAAAA4A4A1A4A2A6A6A6A16A1A12A1", $1; if ( $response{record_format} ne "E" ) { die "unknown response record_format $response{record_format}"; } if ( $response{application_type} ne "4" ) { die "unknown response record_format $response{application_type}"; } if ( $response{message_delimiter} ne "." ) { die "unknown response record_format $response{message_delimiter}"; } $response{is_success} = $response{response_code} =~ /^(00|85)$/; $response{result_code} = $response{response_code}; $response{error_message} = $response{auth_response_text}; $response{authorization} = $response{approval_code}; $response{reference} = $response{approval_code}; %response; } sub eis1081_request { my( $self, $param ) = @_; my $batchnum_file = $self->batchnum_file; my $counter = File::CounterFile->new($batchnum_file, '001') or die "can't create batchnumuence file $batchnum_file: $!"; $counter->lock(); my $batchnum = substr('000'.$counter->inc, -3); $batchnum = substr('000'.$counter->inc, -3) if $batchnum eq '000'; $counter->unlock(); #K-Format Header Record (Base Group) #Byte Length Frmt Field description Content Section # Byte Length Field: Content (section) my $header = 'K1.ZH@@@@'; # 1 1 A/N Record Format: K (4.154) # 2 1 NUM Application Type: 1=Single Batch # (4.10) # 3 1 A/N Message Delimiter: . (4.123) # 4 1 A/N X.25 Routing ID: Z (4.226) # 5-9 5 A/N Record Type: H@@@@ (4.155) $header .= $self->bin; # 10-15 6 NUM Acquirer BIN (4.2) $header .= $self->agent; # 16-21 6 NUM Agent Bank Number (4.5) $header .= $self->chain;# '000000'; # 22-27 6 NUM Agent Chain Number (4.6) $header .= $self->merchant_id; # 28-39 12 NUM Merchant Number (4.121) $header .= $self->store; # 40-43 4 NUM Store Number (4.187) $header .= $self->terminal; # 44-47 4 NUM Terminal Number 9911 (4.195) $header .= 'Q'; # 48 1 A/N Device Code: # Q="Third party software developer" (4.62) #$header .= 'C'; # 48 1 A/N Device Code: C="P.C." (4.62) #$header .= 'M'; # 48 1 A/N Device Code M="Main Frame" (4.62) if ($self->group3_version_num eq 'R') { $industry_code = 'R'; } $header .= $industry_code; # 49 1 A/N Industry Code (4.94) $header .= '840'; # 50-52 3 NUM Currency Code (4.52) $header .= '00'; # 53-54 2 NUM Language Indicator: 00=English # (4.104) # ***FIXME*** $header .= $self->timezone; # 55-57 3 NUM Time Zone Differential (4.200) my $mmdd = substr(time2str('0%m%d',time),-4); $header .= $mmdd; # 58-61 4 NUM Batch Transmission Date MMDD (4.22) $header .= $batchnum; # 62-64 3 NUM Batch Number 001 - 999 (4.18) $header .= '0'; # 65 1 NUM Blocking Indicator 0=Not Blocked # (4.23) die "header length should be 65!" unless length($header) == 65; # daily batches have variable length my $message = $STX. $header. $ETB. lrc($header.$ETB) ; #'19123' my $zip = substr( $self->zip. " ", 0, 9 ); #K-Format Parameter Record (Base Group) #Byte Length Frmt Field Description Content Section my $parameter = 'K1.ZP@@@@'; # 1 1 A/N Record Format: K (4.154) # 2 1 NUM Application Type: 1=Single Batch # (4.10) # 3 1 A/N Message Delimiter: . (4.123) # 4 1 A/N X.25 Routing ID: Z (4.226) # 5-9 5 A/N Record Type: P@@@@ (4.155) $parameter .= '840'; # 10-12 3 NUM Country Code 840 4.47 $parameter .= $zip; # 13-21 9 A/N City Code # prob # Left-Justified/Space-Filled 4.43 $parameter .= $self->mcc; # 22-25 4 NUM Merchant Category Code (4.116) # 26-50 25 A/N Merchant Name Left-Justified/Space-Filled (4.27.1) $parameter .= substr($self->merchant_name.(' 'x25),0,25); #51-63 13 A/N Merchant City Left-Justified/Space-Filled (4.27.2) $parameter .= substr($self->merchant_city.(' 'x13),0,13); # 64-65 2 A/N Merchant State (4.27.3) $parameter .= substr($self->merchant_state.('X'x2),0,2); $parameter .= '00001'; # 66-70 5 A/N Merchant Location Number 00001 4.120 $parameter .= $self->v; #'00000001'; 71-78 8 NUM Terminal ID Number 00000001 4.194 die "parameter length should be 78 (is ". length($parameter). ")!" unless length($parameter) == 78; $message .= $STX. $parameter. $ETB. lrc($parameter.$ETB) ; my $batch_hash_total = 0; my $batch_net_deposit = 0; my $batch_records; my $loc_id = $self->location_id; { $batch_records = $self->batchrecs; } my @master_keys = keys(%$batch_records); my $detail = ''; my $batch_item_count = 3; foreach my $master_key (@master_keys) { # K-Format Detail Record (Electronic Commerce) #Byte Size Frmt Field Description Content Section #D@@'D' ` #location_id, r, group3_version_num, action, amount, invoice_number, name, card_number, expiration, cvv, swipe_data, cust_zip, authorization, authorization_source_code, returned_ACI, transaction_identifier, validation_code, transaction_sequence_num, local_transaction_date, local_transaction_time, AVS_result_code, reference my $transaction_code = '56'; my $batch_rec_array = $batch_records->{"$master_key"}; my $location_id = $batch_rec_array->[0]; my $r = $batch_rec_array->[1]; my $group3_version_num = $batch_rec_array->[2]; my $action = $batch_rec_array->[3]; my $amount_orig = $batch_rec_array->[4]; my $invoice_number = $batch_rec_array->[5]; my $name = $batch_rec_array->[6]; my $card_number = $batch_rec_array->[7]; my $expiration = $batch_rec_array->[8]; my $cvv = $batch_rec_array->[9]; my $swipe_data = $batch_rec_array->[10]; my $cust_zip = $batch_rec_array->[11]; my $authorization = $batch_rec_array->[12]; my $authorization_source_code = $batch_rec_array->[13]; my $returned_ACI = $batch_rec_array->[14]; my $transaction_identifier = $batch_rec_array->[15]; my $validation_code = $batch_rec_array->[16]; my $transaction_sequence_num = $batch_rec_array->[17]; my $local_transaction_date = $batch_rec_array->[18]; my $local_transaction_time = $batch_rec_array->[19]; my $AVS_result_code = $batch_rec_array->[20]; my $reference = $batch_rec_array->[21]; if ($group3_version_num eq 'R') # group3_version_num { $transaction_code = '54'; } if ($action eq 'Credit') # action { $transaction_code = 'CR'; $returned_ACI = ' '; $transaction_identifier = '000000000000000'; $invoice_number = '000000000000000'; $validation_code = ''; } if (($transaction_code eq 'CR')||($group3_version_num eq 'R')) { $detail = 'K1.ZD@@@@'; # credits/retail only base group } else { $detail = 'K1.ZD@@`D'; # 1 1 A/N Record Format: K (4.154) } # 2 1 NUM Application Type 1=Single Batch # (4.10) # 3 1 A/N Message Delimiter: . (4.123) # 4 1 A/N X.25 Routing ID: Z (4.226) # 5-9 5 A/N Record Type: D@@`D (4.155) $detail .= $transaction_code; # 'CR','56','54' # 10-11 2 A/N Transaction Code: # 56 = Card Not Present if (($transaction_code eq 'CR')||($group3_version_num eq 'R')) { if (($swipe_data ne '')||($transaction_code eq 'CR')) { $detail .= '@'; } else { $detail .= 'M'; } } # (4.205) # M for bad mag stripe read else { $detail .= 'N'; }# 12 1 A/N Cardholder Identification Code N 4.32 # (Address Verification Data or # CPS/Card Not Present or # Electronic Commerce) if (($group3_version_num eq 'R')&&($swipe_data ne '')) { $detail .= 'H'; my $swipe_track = $swipe_data; $swipe_track =~ s/^%//; $swipe_track =~ s/\r//g; $swipe_track =~ s/\?.*$//g; $swipe_track =~ s/ +//g; if (uc($swipe_track) =~ m/^[A-Z](\d+)\^/) { $card_number = $1; } } # H track 1 data D track2 data else { $detail .= 'X'; } # X manual key # H swipe # 13 1 A/N Account Data Source Code @ = No Cardreader 4.1 # @=No Cardreader #14-35 22 A/N Cardholder Account Number Left-Justified/Space-Filled 4.30 $detail .= substr( $card_number.' ', 0, 22 ); $detail .= 'Y'; # 36 1 Requested ACI (Authorization # Characteristics Indicator): # N (4.163) # 37 1 A/N Returned ACI (4.168) $detail .= $returned_ACI || ' '; # *** 38 1 A/N Authorization Source Code (4.13) if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { $detail .= '9'; } else { $detail .= $authorization_source_code || '6'; } # 39-42 4 NUM Transaction Sequence Number Right-Justified/Zero-Filled (4.207) if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { my $seq_file = $self->seq_file; my $counter = File::CounterFile->new($seq_file, '0001') or die "can't create sequence file $seq_file: $!"; $counter->lock(); my $seq = substr('0000'.$counter->inc, -4); $seq = substr('0000'.$counter->inc, -4) if $seq eq '0000'; $counter->unlock(); $detail .= $seq; } else { die "missing transaction_sequence_num" unless $transaction_sequence_num; $detail .= $transaction_sequence_num; } if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { $detail .= ' '; } else { $detail .= '00'; } # ###FIXME (from auth)*** 43-44 2 A/N Response Code 4.164 # 45-50 6 A/N Authorization Code Left-Justified/Space-Filled (4.12) if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { $detail .= ' '; } else { $detail .= $authorization; } # 51-54 4 NUM Local Transaction Date MMDD (4.113) if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { my $thisVal = $mmdd; chomp($thisVal); $detail .= $thisVal; } else { die "missing local_transaction_date" unless $local_transaction_date; $detail .= substr($local_transaction_date, 0, 4); } # 55-60 6 NUM Local Transaction Time HHMMSS (4.114) if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { my $thisVal = `date "+%H%M%S"`; chomp($thisVal); $detail .= $thisVal; } else { die "missing local_transaction_time" unless $local_transaction_time; #die "length of local_transaction_time ". $param->{local_transaction_time}. # " != 6" # unless length($param->{local_transaction_time}) == 6; $detail .= $local_transaction_time; } #(from auth) 61 1 A/N AVS Result Code 4.3 if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { $detail .= '0'; } else { if ($AVS_result_code eq '') { $AVS_result_code = '0'; } $detail .= $AVS_result_code; } # 62-76 15 A/N Transaction Identifier Left-Justified/Space-Filled 4.206 $transaction_identifier = length($transaction_identifier) ? substr($transaction_identifier. (' 'x15), 0, 15) : '000000000000000'; $detail .= $transaction_identifier; # 77-80 4 A/N Validation Code 4.218 $detail .= substr($validation_code.' ', 0, 4); $detail .= ' '; # 81 1 A/N Void Indicator = Not Voided 4.224 $detail .= '00'; # 82-83 2 NUM Transaction Status Code 00 4.208 $detail .= '0'; # 84 1 A/N Reimbursement Attribute 0 4.157 my $amount = $amount_orig; my $amount_hash = $amount_orig; my $amount_net = $amount_orig; $batch_hash_total += $amount_hash*1; if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { $amount_net = (-1)*$amount_net; } $batch_net_deposit += $amount_net*1; $amount =~ s/\.//; $amount = substr('000000000000'.$amount,-12); $detail .= $amount; # 85-96 12 NUM Settlement Amount # Right-Justified/Zero-Filled 4.175 if ($transaction_code eq 'CR') { $detail .= '000000000000'; } else { $detail .= $amount; # 97-108 12 NUM Authorized Amount # Right-Justified/Zero-Filled 4.14 } # - end of base group # credit #if ($self->group3_version_num eq 'R') #{ $detail .= '000000000000'; } # 109-120 12 NUM Gratuity Amount # Right-Justified/Zero-Filled 4.94 (restaurant only) if (($transaction_code ne 'CR')&&($group3_version_num ne 'R')) { $detail .= $amount; # 109-120 12 NUM Total Authorized Amount # Right-Justified/Zero-Filled 4.201 $detail .= '1'; # 121 1 A/N Purchase Identifier Format Code 1 4.150 # 1 FOR RETAIL/ECOMMERCE # 122-146 25 A/N Purchase Identifier Left-Justified/Space-Filled 4.149 # amex use first 9, space fill to 25 # Purchase_Identifier $detail .= substr( $invoice_number.' ', 0, 25 ); #1234567890123456789012345 $detail .= '00'; # ??? 147-148 2 NUM Multiple Clearing Sequence Number 4.129 $detail .= '00'; # ??? 149-150 2 NUM Multiple Clearing Sequence Count 1.128 $detail .= $group3_version_num; # 151 1 A/N MOTO/Electronic Commerce Indicator 7 = Channel Encrypted 4.127 # 1 for Direct Marketing die "detail length should be 151 (is ". length($detail). ")" unless length($detail) == 151; } $message .= $STX. $detail. $ETB. lrc($detail.$ETB) ; $batch_item_count++; } $batch_hash_total = $batch_hash_total*100; $batch_hash_total =~ s/\.//; $batch_hash_total = substr('000000000000'.$batch_hash_total,-12); $batch_net_deposit = $batch_net_deposit*100; $batch_net_deposit =~ s/\.//; $batch_net_deposit = substr('000000000000'.$batch_net_deposit,-12); # K-Format Trailer Record #Byte Length Frmt Field Description Content Section my $trailer = 'K1.ZT@@@@'; #1 1 A/N Record Format K 4.154 #2 1 NUM Application Type 1=Single 3=Multiple Batch 4.10 #3 1 A/N Message Delimiter . 4.123 #4 1 A/N X.25 Routing ID Z 4.226 #5-9 5 A/N Record Type T@@@@ 4.155 $trailer .= $mmdd; # 10-13 4 NUM Batch Transmission Date MMDD 4.22 $trailer .= $batchnum; # 14-16 3 NUM Batch Number 001 - 999 4.18 $batch_item_count = substr('000000000'.$batch_item_count,-9); $trailer .= $batch_item_count; # 17-25 9 NUM Batch Record Count #Right-Justified/Zero-Filled 4.19 $trailer .= '0000'.$batch_hash_total; # 26-41 16 NUM Batch Hashing Total #Purchases + Returns 4.16 $trailer .= '0000000000000000'; # 42-57 16 NUM Cashback Total 4.38 $trailer .= '0000'.$batch_net_deposit; # 58-73 16 NUM Batch Net Deposit # Purchases - Returns 4.17 die "trailer length should be 73!" unless length($trailer) == 73; $message .= $STX. $trailer. $ETX. lrc($trailer.$ETX) ; #### $message = setEvenParity $message; $message; } sub eis1081_response { my( $self, $response ) = @_; my %response; $response =~ /^$STX(.{41})(.*)$ETX(.)$/ or die "can't decode (eis1081) response: $response"; my $remainder = $2; my $lrc = $3; ( $response{record_format}, $response{application_type}, $response{message_delimiter}, $response{x25_routing_id}, $response{record_type}, $response{batch_record_count}, $response{batch_net_deposit}, $response{batch_response_code}, $response{filler}, $response{batch_number}, ) = unpack "AAAAA5A9A16A2A2A3", $1; warn "$1\n" if $DEBUG; if ( $response{record_format} ne "K" ) { die "unknown response record_format $response{record_format}"; } if ( $response{application_type} ne "1" ) { die "unknown response record_format $response{application_type}"; } if ( $response{message_delimiter} ne "." ) { die "unknown response record_format $response{message_delimiter}"; } if ( $response{is_success} = $response{batch_response_code} eq 'GB' ) { $response{result_code} = $response{batch_response_code}; $response{error_message} = ''; } elsif ( $response{batch_response_code} eq 'RB' ) { $response{result_code} = $response{batch_response_code}; #$remainder =~ /^(.)(.{4})(.)(..)(.{32})$/ $remainder =~ /^(.)(.{4})(.)(..)(.*)$/ or die "can't decode (eis1081) RB response (41+ ". length($remainder). "): $remainder"; my( $error_type, $error_record_sequence_number, $error_record_type, $error_data_field_number, $error_data ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ); my %error_type = ( B => 'Blocked Terminal', C => 'Card Type Error', D => 'Device Error', E => 'Error in Batch', P => 'Vital Residency Requirement Error', S => 'Sequence Error', T => 'Transmission Error', U => 'Unknown Error', V => 'Routing Error', ); my %error_record_type = ( H => 'Header Record', P => 'Parameter Record', D => 'Detail Record', T => 'Trailer Record', ); $response{error_message} = 'Auth successful but capture rejected: '. $error_type{$error_type}. ' in '. $error_record_type{$error_record_type}. ' #'. $error_record_sequence_number. ' field #'. $error_data_field_number. ': '. $error_data; } else { $response{result_code} = $response{batch_response_code}; $response{error_message} = $remainder; } %response; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Business::OnlinePayment::VirtualNet - Vital VirtualNet backend for Business::OnlinePayment =head1 SYNOPSIS use Business::OnlinePayment; my $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment("VirtualNet", 'merchant_id' => '999999999911', 'store' => '0011', 'terminal' => '9911', 'mcc' => '5999', #merchant category code 'bin' => '999995', #acquirer BIN (Bank Identification Number) 'zip' => '543211420', #merchant zip (US) or assigned city code 'agent' => '000000', #agent bank 'v' => '00000001', 'merchant_name' => 'Internet Service Provider', #25 char max 'merchant_city' => 'Gloucester', #13 char max 'merchant_state' => 'VA', #2 char 'seq_file' => '/tmp/bop-virtualnet-sequence', 'batchnum_file' => '/tmp/bop-virtualnet-batchnum', # :/ 0-999 in 5 days ); $tx->content( type => 'CC', login => 'test', action => 'Authorization Only', description => 'Business::OnlinePayment test', amount => '49.95', invoice_number => '100100', name => 'Tofu Beast', card_number => '4111111111111111', expiration => '09/03', ); $tx->submit(); if( $tx->is_success() ) { print "Card authorized successfully: ".$tx->authorization."\n"; } else { print "Error: ".$tx->error_message."\n"; } if( $tx->is_success() ) { my $capture = new Business::OnlinePayment("VirtualNet", 'agent' => '000001', 'chain' => '000000', #optional? 'v' => '00000001', 'merchant_id' => '999999999911', 'store' => '0011', 'terminal' => '9911', 'mcc' => '5999', #merchant category code 'bin' => '999995', #acquirer BIN (Bank Identification Number) ); $capture->content( type => 'CC', action => 'Post Authorization', amount => '49.95', card_number => '4111111111111111', expiration => '09/03', authorization => $tx->authorization, authorization_source_code => $tx->authorization_source_code, returned_ACI => $tx->returned_ACI, transaction_identifier => $tx->transaction_identifier, validation_code => $tx->validation_code, transaction_sequence_num => $tx->transaction_sequence_num, local_transaction_date => $tx->local_transaction_date, local_transaction_time => $tx->local_transaction_time, AVS_result_code => $tx->AVS_result_code, #description => 'Business::OnlinePayment::VirtualNet test', action => 'Post Authorization', # order_number => $ordernum, # amount => '0.01', # authorization => $auth, # description => 'Business::OnlinePayment::VirtualNet test', ); $capture->submit(); if( $capture->is_success() ) { print "Card captured successfully\n"; } else { print "Error: ".$capture->error_message."\n"; } } =head1 DESCRIPTION For detailed information see L. =head1 NOTE =head1 COMPATIBILITY This module implements the interface documented at Specifically, start with and then and and maybe even and =head1 AUTHOR Ivan Kohler =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). L. =cut